Summer Savory Herb, Organic
- A product of Mortar and Petal by CynCraft
- Organic, Kosher
- Uses: Culinary, Ritual
Summer Savory, or Satureja Hortensis, is also known as Creeping Savory, Satyr's Herb, Bean Herb, and Bohenkraut.
Summer Savory is a hardy annual, with slender erect stems about a foot high. It flowers in July, having small, pale lilac flowers.
The genus Satureia (the old Latin name used by Pliny) comprises about fourteen species of highly aromatic, hardy herbs or under-shrubs, all, except one species, being natives of the Mediterranean region.
Several species have been introduced, but only two, the annual Summer or Garden Savory and the perennial Winter Savory, are generally grown. The annual is more usually grown, but the leaves of both are employed in cookery.