Nature's Wheel™ Anointing Ritual Oil - One (1) Dram - Choose from 10 Natural, Mystical Oils
- A product of Haegtessa Hollow by CynCraft
- Uses: For Sabbat, Esbat, Seasonal, and Sacred Rites; to Bless, Consecrate
As the Wheel of the Year turns, we feel the need for traditions and rituals. It is part of the Human Culture and has been since the dawn of civilization.
We prepare for these rituals in a number of ways, one of which is to bless a person or charge an object through the use of an anointing oil.
To celebrate our yearly rituals, I have crafted a set of anointing oils to be used throughout the year. So, without further ado, I am pleased to present the Nature's Wheel™ Anointing Oils Collection:
IMBOLC (Flax Seed, Milk Thistle Seeds, Vanilla, Bay Leaf, Lotus, Cinnamon)
February 2/August 2, celebrates the first stirrings of spring, renewal, mother's milk.
OSTARA / LENCTENTID (Pink Rose, Elderflower, Jasmine, Strawberry, Oakmoss)
Vernal Equinox, the start of spring, the original Easter (Eostre), life returns.
BELTANE (Lavender, Frankincense, Hawthorn, Agrimony, Rose-Geranium, Woodruff, Ylang Ylang, Blue Vervain)
May 1/October 31, May Day, fertility, maypoles and revelry, the light half of the year begins.
MIDSUMMER (Mugwort, Mint, Lemon Verbena, Honeysuckle, Chamomile, Basil, Yarrow)
Summer Solstice, summer begins, Litha, longest day, the Sun in full glory, fairies.
LUGHNASADH / LAMMAS (Blackberry, Sage, Dandelion Root, Sandalwood, Safflower, Orange, Cinnamon)
August 1/February 1, Lammas, First Harvest, berries and grains, warmth and strength.
HARVEST HOME / MABON (Rosehips, Allspice, Opopanax, Cedar, Apple, Marigold, Ginger)
Autumnal Equinox, the start of autumn, Mabon, Second Harvest, apples and grape.
SAMHAIN (Rosemary, Frankincense, Anise, Wormwood, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Dragons Blood, Patchouli, Mullein)
October 31/May 1, Halloween, Third Harvest, lost loved ones cross over, spiritual gateway.
YULE (Evergreen, Frankincense, Myrrh, Mistletoe, Juniper Berries, Cloves)
Winter Solstice, winter begins, longest night, the Wild Hunt, twelve days of celebration.
FULL MOON ESBAT (Jasmine, Yarrow, Mugwort, Rhodiola Root, Mullein, White Lotus, Copal, Vanilla, Oakmoss, Sandalwood, Bergamot)
Held on full moon nights, for "increasing/enhancing/growth" spells.
DARK MOON ESBAT (Valerian, Black Salt, Cloves, Myrrh, Wormwood, Skullcap, Dragons Blood)
Held on dark and new moon nights, for "decreasing/banishing/dark" spells.
Use this oil to anoint and prepare yourself and your tools for your ritual.
-You can drop some into a pre-ritual bath.
-You can rub some on your forehead and onto your hands, to symbolically increase your power.
-You can rub some over your candles, incense, and other ritual tools.
-You can drip some into seasonal potpourri to bless your home for the season.
-You can sprinkle some across your home's threshold for protection.
You are limited only by your imagination!
These oils have been blessed and charged accordingly.
The amber glass apothecary bottle is reusable and recyclable. It will arrive to you craftily labeled and wrapped. It is a wonderful gift for yourself or someone else.
I make this oil fresh to order, so let me know if you have any ALLERGIES, special needs, or requests.
This oil is handcrafted with organic and/or natural oils, various essential oils, and dried herbs, spices, and resins.
Specific ingredients of each oil will accompany the bottle.
All anointing oils are 100% Natural, Vegan, and Paraben-Free, with no artificial colors, fragrances, or preservatives.
This item is sold as a curio, for esoteric purposes only.
Thank you, and may Nature bless you all year long!